Speaking, Workshops, Train-the-trainer and 1-1 Coaching Services
- Influence Through Storytelling – Engage, Motivate, Compel and Convince through Geoffrey Berwind’s Storytelling Blueprint
- The Do’s and Don’ts of Compelling Storytelling – Unlock the 12 Discovery Keys
- Harness the Power of Strategic Storytelling – Exponentially Increase Product Sales and Gain More Speaking Opportunities
- Land and Deliver a Powerful TEDx Talk – Uncover Ideas That Can Dynamically Change the World
- How to Craft a Unique Signature Story – Make Your Brand Memorable and Build Unforgettable Connections
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“Geoffrey Berwind is a master in teaching storytelling, presentation, and delivery. He was indispensable in helping me create the beautiful signature stories that are central to my press kit, video resources and keynote presentations.
Geoffrey is a supportive coach who built my confidence as a speaker while always helping me eliminate weaknesses and expand my strengths. I have had big successes due to Geoffrey Berwind’s support, including my own powerful TedX talk and most recently, my keynote address at a national conference with 6,000 people in attendance and live streaming to 63 remote locations.
I have the utmost trust and respect in Geoffrey’s ability to share his wisdom and expertise and recommend him unreservedly.” Anita Sanchez, PhD, is an Aztec and Mexican-American, transformational leadership consultant and trainer, speaker, and author of the international best-selling book, The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times.
"Thank you for showing me the place stories have in business. I was a corporate marketing director for almost 20 years and never used personal stories in my presentations. Your expertise in storytelling has shown me how to use the power of stories to communicate important points in extraordinary and memorable ways."
"Thank you so much for your guidance and insight on my most recent presentation. I did a presentation for 150 Safety and Claims Professionals on the important topic of Crisis Management and Emergency Preparedness. Using your storyteling techniques and guidance as well as your advice on how to deliver an impactful opening and a solid closing the presentation went better than I ever expected."
"The powerful presentation skills I've learned from Geoffrey Berwind have helped me make huge leaps forward in my speeches, teleseminars, interviews, and writing. The strategies he teaches helped me bring in an additional $200,000 in business in one year. If you want to make big money by just changing a few things in your speech or interview, then get Geoffrey to coach you today! I give him my highest recommendation!"
"I have been a public speaker for over a decade, and really wanted to take it to the next level. Geoffrey's coaching has completely redefined my presentation style, with significant results. While I had intellectually understood the value of storytelling, it was not until I actually used the techniques he taught me that I appreciated how it could convert an audience's response from ho-hum to totally engaged.
"I recently gave a presentation to a group of professionals I had spoken to before and experienced a 180 degree turnaround in their response which included being invited to speak at an important future symposium. Geoffrey's guidance and advice absolutely made all the difference."
"I have been fortunate to be the keynote speaker for audiences of over 1,000 listeners using the story Geoffrey helped me to create. The feedback from my clients has been positive since my story allows me to connect with my audiences on a personal, spiritual and emotional level. My story has allowed me to have increased confidence as a professional speaker and as a result I have obtained more speaking engagements which has resulted in greater recognition and revenue!"
"Giving a well received Tedx talk takes an enormous investment in time and energy. Geoffrey was with me for the initial story writing, and all the re-writes; he worked hours with me to improve my presentation style. He has a fabulous gift of storytelling, offered sage advice, and through gentle prodding and laughter, was able to raise my talk to a much higher level. I cannot imagine having done this without him. Best of all, I now consider him a friend. Thank you Geoffrey for all you did for me and my Tedx."
"Geoffrey is an absolute master at storytelling and helping others to find their stories and express them in a way that moves people. I am also learning many nuances of presentation skills (which I wish I had know before taking the stage this summer as a top 10 speaker in North Americas Next Greatest Speaker contest-maybe next year!)"
"Not only is he a master at what he does, he is such a delight to work with. I cannot recommend Geoffrey highly enough for his expertise in storytelling.
"I tried my origin story out at a local high school where I was a guest speaker. When I began my story, I could feel that I had everyone’s undivided attention. It was incredible. After I told my story, I had so much enthusiastic input and feedback. Before I told my story, some students were unimpressed by medical illustration. After telling my story, they couldn’t draw bones quickly enough and demanded that they get more objects to illustrate."
"Geoffrey is a fantastic talent, and I would highly recommend using his services to propel your speaking engagement into the highest level of excellence.
"Geoffrey’s edits gave my story a heartbeat and brought every detail to life. As I gave my speech I noticed everyone on the edge of their seats during my story. After completing the speech, I was approached by half the audience and EVERYONE said, “I felt like I was in the woods with you and I knew your grandmother”. And, I got a couple of gigs for the future immediately as a result!"
"Before working with Geoffrey, my delivery was a little too rigid, like I was reading a story rather than telling it. My physical gestures and verbal cadence were competing with the critical moments of emphasis, and thus my audience was not taking away all the key points I expected them to. After Geoffrey graced the speech with his handy work, It was an engaging, experiential event for the audience. It was compelling and emotional. Inflection was included at the exact right moments along with convincing motions that acted out scenes to make them more real. It felt like I had a Hollywood-class director and screenplay writer all in one.
"My client rushed to me after the event and told me that I nailed the presentation and that she knew it would lead to significant follow-on business for her company. Speaking of follow-on business, I signed every dollar of follow-on consulting business that I had anticipated. Geoffrey is THE maestro of storytelling!"
"Geoffrey's storytelling coaching has completely changed the way I write and speak about my work, with great results Geoffrey's guidance enabled me to uncover great stories that I hadn't been telling previously, and layer them with details that really invite people in."
"You have developed a powerful approach with strong materials and activities that reinforce your key message that humans fundamentally connect with a story that is well-developed and well-told. When speaking to how stories need to be authentic, you lead by example, speaking with such a genuine voice and such a willingness to share your own journey while shining a light on paths others can consider as they travel their own."
“Geoffrey’s presentation on the art of storytelling was both insightful and engaging! He demonstrated the importance of storytelling (even in an office environment) by explaining how artfully crafted communications can be more memorable and engaging. Everyone has been in a meeting where, once it’s over, you ask yourself what it is you just heard. If we can harness the skills Geoffrey taught us, we can deliver stronger messages for a more impactful outcome.”
"Geoffrey’s Storytelling concept is an innovative and powerful tool in today's “plugged in” society. A new spin on a forgotten skill. His content & material was very relevant to my role and I look forward to applying it immediately to my day to day”