One of the definitions of “primal” is something “essential” and “fundamental.” The origin of the word is from the Latin primus, meaning “first.”
(OK, the geek in me really likes to discover word origins…we all have our issues!)
So, what does that have to do with storytelling and speaking?
What you tell your stories, you are doing something darned profound for the listener. You’re communicating in a way which takes our brains back to mankind’s origins; sharing stories is what we have done as a species if we’ve been around.
When our primal ancestors hunkered against the cold and the dark, with not much between them and terrifying beasts and weather, they built fires and wove tales in their desire to understand the world and their place in it.
We haven’t really changed all that much essentially. Our technology is, of course, astounding, but fundamentally you and I are still creatures seeking to gather together against the dark.
So, tell your stories knowing that you are helping those hearing them go to a special place in their brains, helping each of us build bridges to each other.
Go primus!